Thursday, August 27, 2009

Running Day 20 of 24

Tuesday was running day. I had the same route as last time, 2.5 miles, no intended breaks. Around the 1.25 mile mark I HAD to walk for a quarter mile. My right hip was killing me again. I have gained some experience in this running adventure. When it hurts, stop running. And this HURT! Like limping hurt. Like thinking about hitch hiking hurt. I walked it off for a quarter mile and then began my jog again. I walked another little bit toward the end, but finished strong, or weak, however you want to call it. My time ended up being 40 minutes and 17 seconds, which was over 3 minutes faster than last time! My first mile was only 14:50, which is also my fastest to date.

It was a weird day on Tuesday because that wasn't the only exercise I got. Between the quarter mile walk taking the twins to Kindergarten, the quarter mile to walk home, the quarter mile to pick them up and the quarter mile to take them home, I walked an additional mile that afternoon. Then as soon as the kids were home we headed directly to the California State Fair. Now there was quite a bit of walking but also quite a bit of standing totaling a 4 hour adventure. Let's just say 2 days later, I think my legs have almost recovered.

Wednesday morning I walked the twins to school and had to limp nearly the whole way. My knees were killing me and I couldn't figure out why. MOTRIN! I had forgotten to take my early morning dose of 800mg motrin. I take this sucker 3 times a day to reduce inflammation in my lungs. It had the added bonus to mostly numb general aches and pains as well. Apparently all this running is killing my legs, but as long as I can ignore it with my motrin, I'll keep on running!

Last but not least, Paul and I signed up for the Sacramento CowTown Marathon last night! We will be running the 5K portion on Sunday, October 4. He won't be running with me but I'm sure we'll start together and then he'll have time to knit a sweater when he's done, waiting for me to cross the finish line in about double his time. I'm aiming for under 1 hour here folks. I think I can do it. The course record is 15 minutes. Definitely sure I won't be breaking that one!

Since the knees and hips hurt I've decided to take a short hiatus from running. I'll be taking the week off, picking it back up for my final 2.5 mile run, and then final 3 days of training next week. See you al then! in the mean time, happy exercising!

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